Published 31 Oct 2023
During the period of 01 to 04 August 2023, Fine Chemicals Corporation facility located in Cape Town, South Africa underwent a thorough inspection conducted by the PMDA, the Japanese Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency.
We are pleased to announce that the Japanese inspectors identified no critical or major observations, affirming that Fine Chemicals Corporation certification will be extended. This enables us to sustain the supply of our APIs to the Japanese market.
Both the Japanese inspection team and the Fine Chemicals Corporation team expressed their utmost satisfaction with the positive outcome.
Pending the issuance of the official final report and certification from the Japanese authority, we anticipate a continued partnership with the Japanese market.
Ilona Matthew, Responsible Pharmacist, shares her perspective on this achievement: “We are tremendously proud of this result. This success is attributed to our unwavering commitment to quality across our entire organization, coupled with the dedicated focus and teamwork exhibited by all employees during the inspection.”
Fine Chemicals Corporation takes immense pride in this accomplishment and extends gratitude to everyone for their unrelenting contributions.