Published 5 Jul 2023
“Aspen API is more than just an API”
I started with Aspen API in October 2022. I am part of the Aspen API Inc sales team based in the US. We manage all the US and Canada customer accounts. My accounts are anywhere and everywhere, I have clients in Canada, in the East Coast and the West Coast of the US.
CDMO Services
Prior to joining Aspen, I was in the synthetic peptide business. My background is in the CDMO Drug Substance space. One of the reasons that I was brought on board Is that Aspen API is more than an API manufacturer. We also provide CDMO services. As we state on our website and our marketing materials, Aspen API is more than just an API.
One-of-a-kind projects
With Aspen API, I experience the best of both worlds: generics and contract development work. The CDMO business is about custom development. Each project is custom made. That’s because each company is trying to treat different diseases. CDMO projects are all unique, that’s what I love about them.
Customer Satisfaction
It is great to work closely with the customers, to collaborate with them, to establish strong relationships, to cultivate, and to grow their business. It is very rewarding, seeing them advance through all the development phases and know that we, as their partner and supplier, were holding their hands all the way through the process.
Positive Results
That is why I enjoy being in the pharma business. I watched my customers’ programs grow, knowing I was part of that journey. That gives me great joy and satisfaction.